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Inhabitants' name: Ortellesi

The civic coat of arms of Ortelle is very recent, since it was allotted by the President of the Republic The crypt of Our Lady of the Cavesonly in 1998. It has got a blue background on which there are three trees and a church. There are no historical documents about the origins of this small centre, but only some contrasting theories. Some historians advocate that the first village was built by those who surveyed the destruction of Vaste while for others it was built during the Byzantine period. Another hypothesis is that in ancient times Ortelle was full of vegetation,  and the noble people of Castro built there some villas. Other people built their houses around those villas and the centre became bigger and bigger. The toponym comes from the Latin  "orti" meaning the splendid gardens  around the villas of the gentlemen. The feudal age in the Salento began after the arrival of the Normans, but there are no certain news of that period.Historic centre Probably Ortelle and Castro had the same destiny. In  1536 the population increased notably after  the arrival of the surveyors of Castro, who had escaped from the violent invasion of the Turks. One of the most famous local people is Giuseppe Casciaro. He lived between the XIX and the XX centuries, and he remained  orphan when he was still a little boy. His talent for the painting was so clear that one of his relatives helped him. He painted a lot and some of his paintings have been exhibited in the best galleries of Paris, Milan and Bruxelles.

