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The Baronale Palace, in baroque style, he/she/it/you has characterized the last vassals of the country Mother Churchfrom a very handsome portal of the 1770 on which the coat of arms of the Granafei could be admired; he came rehandled in the XIX century. The Palace Stain, instead, he/she/it/you goes up again at 1779 o'clock for work of Gaetano Sergio, while the Palace Fox had built century to difference of his portal that is of the end of the XVIII century in the XVII. For as concern the churches, most important he/she/it/you is, surely, the Parish. She had built in the 1541 and has devoted to the Virgo of the Martyrdoms. To his inside [pregevoli] could be admired cloths (like that [seicentesca] of St. Pantaleone), a wooden crucifix that, initially, it was [ubicato] in the old Mother Church, and altars of good person execution in baroque style between which [spicca] that of the Lady of the Rosary, [risalente] at 1705 o'clock for work of the sculptor [leccese] Joseph Cino. An other altar of notable importance is that of St. Pantaleone, of the 1706, that came moved in the 1769 from the old and [omonima] chapel to the Parish. To the outside of [quest'ultima], on the side south, he/she/it/you is situated the Bell Tower, built for want of the brotherhood of the Rosary in the 1681, while the adjoining Tower of the Clock had built in the 1796. Chapel of St. Giovanni Battista goes up again at 1621 o'clock and he/she/it/you had built for want of the prelate Giovanni Giannuzzo; the wall up inside I/they am completely [ricoperte] of [pregiati] frescos. Chapel of the Lady of the Graces had built for want of the inhabitants of Martignano;St George's Church to the inside there is an image of St. Donato and of Sant'Eligio. These two saints are much revered because they come retained the protectors of the animals from transport and of the patients of epilepsy. Chapel of the Mantovano comes as denominated because, according to a legend, he/she/it/you had built for want of a [mantovano] that, [trovandosi] to Martignano in the beautiful half of a powerful hurricane, uninjured [miracolosamente] stayed. Probably this stays only one legend, since historical documents attest that Chapel had built in the 1696 for want of the Martignanesi. An other sacred structure of notable importance is Convent of St. Francesco, [risalente] to the XVII century, and the adjoining church of the XVIII century. In the 1809 for order of Gioacchino Murat, convent came closed and envoy in sale, and you/he/she/it currently pour in very bad conditions. Very interesting I/they am also the so-called [pozzelle]; [anticamente] came dig in the ground for resolve the water problem. Strutturalmente they are very similar to the public cisterns of the Greek cities of the VIII century to. C. The protector of Martignano is St. Pantaleone that he/she/it/you comes celebrated July 27.

The [nomèa] of the inhabitants of Martignano is "pacifiers," that he/she/it/you means asses, because of Chapel of St Giovanni the Baptistan ancient legend that narrates the stupidity of an agriculturist. You/he/she/it are told that the country simpleton stayed sat on the branch of a fairly tall tree, and he/she/it/you tried to cut it with an ax for [farne] of the firewood. Essendosi sat from the opposite part, in the moment in which the branch fell, he also threw headlong bringing again substantial wounds.







